Justin "Deyemofo" Deming joins the Q again to discuss Trump, Hillary, Bernie and how generalizations become a serious hinderance and accentuator of our current political climate. Mark discusses the new email issues for Hillary Clinton and the two men break down the true differences between conservatives and liberals. Plus a little tattoo talk to boot.
Mark is joined by Producer Bobby to discuss the shallowness of society and its people in 2016. Plus Mark talks to Bobby about a fan of the show tagging Bobby in an in appropriate tweet and how people should handle themselves on social media.
All this and much more!
With a stressful week pushing everything back, Producer Bobby jumps in and brings life to the Q once again.
First up, Mark and Bobby discuss the #1 selling college sports jersey of all time. Who is it? It could be anyone and thats where the show goes when Mark starts talking about NFL Draft day and discussing its value 10 years ago til now.
Next up is Trump...Like Jon Stewart said before he left the Daily Show, "This man is a godsend to comedy in my last 6 weeks." Well he continues to be the comedic god send to the Q. This time around Trump decided to tweet out something "HISPANIC" for Cinco De Mayo. He explained his Taco Bowls are the best at Trump Towers and then added on "I love Hispanics" as a catch all for their culture. The same general hispanics he wants to forceably stop from coming into the USA with his Mexican wall. the guys discuss.
This eventually leads to a discussion about whether Trump would be a good president or not. Also what it would look like to have him as President. Would he be at the white house all the time, would he take more vacations than Obama...would he get all the things he promised finished before leaving office. All this and much more is discussed on this episode of the Q!
It's always a pleasure when a new guest walks into the hallowedstudios for the Q show. And this episode is special causeJordan/Sam Lacey joins the show to partake in manydiscussions!
First up we talk with Sam about his background in wrestling andwhat he does currently for a living. Sam discusses being a part ofthe Carpenters union and how the company he works for came to be. Mark asks about politics and Sam's position in regards towhere he stands in the world of it.
Mark then goes on a rant about doctors. It starts with histrip to the ENT and being levied an extra bill over the top of whathe had already paid. Marks argument is whats the point of aco-pay if there is always going to be more money needed to be paid? Also, the way this was charged out was ridiculous incomparison to what services he actually had. Mark believes wehave a country of shysters and frauds that are going out of theirway to use medical billing as a back drop to gouge all of us. Markand Sam discuss this in a deep manner.
Then Mark does an extended "Hotseat" with Sam. They talkabout Star Wars and wierd feelings and ofcourse the haunted scarytunnel from our childhoods that we all dealt with at one point oranother.
All this and some OVERTIME too. It's the Q, Real Radio, RealHonest!