Well Andy Echele is back to discuss the gun issue in the USA and talk about how the shooting in Orlando has many facets that need to be focused on. Should guns be legal or not? Where is the line between protection and constituional rights? Do the rights in the Constitution from 200+ years ago even apply effectively to our day and age with assault weapons. This and many other topics will be discussed on this episode of the Q. Including how the wife knew it was going to happen and allowed it to happen at all.
On this episode Justing Deming returns to discuss a situation out of St. Louis where a guy purposely shot at his baby and baby mother cause he was mad. Then tried running them off the road and killing them as another concerned citizen tried driving the shot baby to a local hospital. Then two touch on the transgender bathroom issue and discussion in the US currently! All this and much more on the Q.
Pro-wrestler Shawn Soto and Comedian Anthony Rogers sit in on this episode of the Q. Hillary has seemed to lock up the Democratic nomination and the guys discuss this in full. When Mark goes to ask about political affiliation and who the two guys would vote for, the Libertarian comes out of Shawn and Anthony takes a much more valiant stance of "F--k them all". After further discussion and pushing, Mark deems that Anthony might make a decent President and flushes out more of his edgy/controversial stances for the American people to fall in love with. The guys also discuss the deaths of Muhammad Ali and Kimbo Slice. Plus some overtime with a letter from the listeners.
*show features explicit content
What would you do if a wild animal got ahold of your child? Would you panic, would you attempt to kill or sit by in shock. Well a family in Cincinatti found out this week at the Zoo, when their child climbed over the protective cage and fell into the Gorilla Pit. Of course this created a whirlwind of controversy with animal rights people since the Gorilla had to be put down. We discuss the FAKE OUTRAGE of people and their need to want to put an animals life over that of a child. Producer Bobby joins in to way in on the opinion himself.