Mark Bland and Gary Weed are both fans of Pro-wrestling. Mark has been a prowrestler in his life and had a career that took him all over the country. Gary is a lifelong fan and someone that understands the business in a solid way. With this being the basis....The Q presents....WRESTLETALK 35!
Wrestlemania 35 happened and Mark/Gary have a ton to discuss about it.
First up...Mark tells Gary he can ask him any question about the business and Mark will be very fair and openly answer the question. So Gary pulls the trigger and Mark attacks the answer like a someone giving a Stone cold Stunner in the middle of the ring!
Next Mark discusses his career and how he comes to becoming a prowrestler. How the job formed in his mind before he becomes a prowrestler. He specifically talks about 1996-1997 in his life and what he decided to try and get into professional wrestling. Mark discusses how the business was different back then and more picky and finicky about who they would let be a professional wrestler. Now days anyone can apply and get work wrestling in front of crowds.
Then Mark and Gary into discussing Wrestlemania 35 and how the show took forever to happen. After almost 7 straight hours of wrestling, Beck Lynch's hands were raised and barely anyone cheered because they were so tired and spent from the 7 hours of show. Plus how did Ronda's match play out? Who's matches went which way? And what was the best moments?
All this and much more on this episode of the Q!
400 episodes are a lot of episodes when you realize many are at minimum 1 hour long and most are 3 hours in total. That's a lot of blood, sweat and tears that went into all of those hours of entertainment. But alas, we are here and number 400 is what we are on!
Agitate the Airwaves host Travis Corley joins Mark Bland, Jason Kull, Jonathan May and Producer Bobby on this special episode of the Q. Travis has been hosting a local music podcast for a few years now and he is starting to bridge off into other avenues of entertainment like booking shows. Travis joins Mark and the crew on this episode to discuss his show, it's influence and what he's got coming up in the near future for the people of STL.
Trump has done it again and saying really weird off the wall type stuff. He explained about not being able to say Orange and he claims his father was born in Germany and not Brooklyn, NY. So just another week in Trump's weird presidency that does nothing.
Mark brings up some past moments on the show that he fondly remembers along with adding a new one to the list from more recent episodes. Somewhere in the middle of this, Jonathan MAy inserts he has a big package and the show never looks back. Mark does everything to keep the train on the tracks, but hilarity ensues.
All this and much more on this 400th Special Episode of the Q! Worth every second to listen to.
Gary Weed and Mark Bland are lonely this week but Trump made sure to give them something to talk about. Well not Trump himself, but Robert Mueller delivered the long awaited Trump Russian Investigation to William Barr the AG of the US. Barr then put out a 4 page summary explaining what the gist of the findings were. Trump did not collude with Russian regarding the 2016 election. So he is clear. Which is fine. But Mueller also stated that he's not exonerated from anything either. He was basically a wash.
Now this leads to a discussion about "not being exonerated" and how people should handle the news. Mark also explains about his reaction upon first hearing about it and what he wrote on social media. We have rules we agree to as citizens to aide by. It went through the proper channels and was investigated. If he comes out clean, then he comes out clean. Simple. But this does not exclude Trump from being sued through the states.
Next we discuss Brexit, how it is working and what we should be focusing on regarding England. Theresa May decides that she will not be Prime Minister anymore if they pass her plan. So the world waits as England took a Trump-esque extreme stance with their voting and didn't have a strategy in place. Now they are in a shit or get off the pot situation and it looks like things will only get worse. Mark discusses making extreme decisions.
Gary explains he's thought about running for office which takes Mark of his tracks and gets him to breaking Gary down for the inevitable vetting. Mark gives some solid advice to Gary for his political aspirations.
Finally the guys discuss some TV shows and movies that they are currently into and Gary says his wife beat him to the punch on a movie...but what movie? Take a listen and find out!
All this and more on the Q!
There are so many ways to say so many things. Jonathan May joins Mark on this amazing journey we call the Q.
First up Mark decides that he needs to explain what being a liberal raised in the Midwest is truly like. Most people think being liberal is a national stance and all Liberals tend to fall from the same tree. But this is not true. Liberals in the Midwest are way more centrist than east/west coast liberals because the Midwest is so conservative, the liberals are raised with a conservative understanding and edge given to them from their parents. Mark and Jonathan discuss.
This leads to question about Police and Jonathan's person views as an ex military police officer. Jonathan has seen both sides of the coin and the question is "Where is your current stance on police." The guys discuss.
Then we get into the goods. Jonathan and Mark both have been asking questions of black and white culture on and offline. The response has been good and Mark has some questions for Jonathan and vice versa. Mark asks a question about the style of hair that people in black culture have. This leads to a convo about words you can and can't say to people in general. Also the pronunciation of words can alter the vibe of the word. The guys discuss these words too.
Finally a letter from a listener that thinks Prisoners are not being used to their potential like they should be. Mark and Jonathan discuss if the listeners stance is the proper stance or not to have.
All this and much much more on this episode of the Q.
Did you know that the pilgrims are technically the founding fathers of our nation and not the dudes from the Revolutionary War that we love to put on our money and hold to the highest regard?
Well the guys discuss this and much more on this new episode of the Q. Jason Kull is back and not happy about Trump calling for more randomly ridiculous "National Emergencies"...but the fun doesn't stop there because Mark invited a friend he grew up with named Steve Richards to show. Steve has been listening for years and stated that he wanted to come guest on the show, so Mark made it happen.
First, Mark and the gents discuss the new national emergencies Trump has been lining to be the boy who cried wolf. None of them are gonna pan out but it won't stop other crazier things from happening. All of this leads to a discussion about the Salem Witch trials and how one of the states has decided to setup new rules making abortion a punishable crime. The guys talk about going through with this and how it would be received here in the USA and across the globe. Also, would sentencing someone to death for having an abortion become the new Salem Witch trials? All this culminates with some talk on the death penalty and where we are at with it mentally in 2019.
Mark then moves on to the Hot Seat since Richards is a new guest to the show. 5 Questions, all random and some discussion is in store. And then Finally, we take some questions from the listeners. Should "retarded" be considered a bad word? Is it already? This and so much more is bantered about on this new episode of the Q!
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Who is the Grand Trivia Master of the Q? Well we set to find that out on this episode of the Q. Gary Weed, Producer Bobby and Jonathan May join to discuss a couple of topics before we get down to the brass tacks.
First up...R. Kelly and Michael Jackson have been hit heavily lately in the media. Kelly is fighting for his freedom after being accused of once again talking to and sexually abusing underage females. This is the same thing he was accused of a few years ago with the "pee on her" video tape that surfaced. The new accusations basically make Kelly out to be a forceful and manipulative guy to a host of women. On the heels of that, Michael is back in the news because the kids that didn't come forward originally in the 90's have decided to come forward now on a new documentary that has radio stations pulling Jackson's music.
This leads to an interesting discussion of NDA (non disclosure agreement) and hush money...and whether the death of one party in the agreement should or should not change the scope of the agreement. Should all rules be forgiven once one party dies in the relationship? Can the person come out after the fact, but also after spending the money they took to be quiet originally?
Finally, after a challenge from Mark to Gary regarding Trivia...Jonathan decided to jump in and we have or first Grand Trivia Master contest. Producer Bobby put together 25 questions and tie breakers (if needed) to decide this first ever champ. All the questions are general in nature. Multiple categories and varied levels of difficulty...Can you keep up with the Q crew? Are you truly a Grand Trivia Master...follow along and find out on this episode of the Q.
Who is the Grand Trivia Master of the Q? Well we set to find that out on this episode of the Q. Gary Weed, Producer Bobby and Jonathan May join to discuss a couple of topics before we get down to the brass tacks.
First up...R. Kelly and Michael Jackson have been hit heavily lately in the media. Kelly is fighting for his freedom after being accused of once again talking to and sexually abusing underage females. This is the same thing he was accused of a few years ago with the "pee on her" video tape that surfaced. The new accusations basically make Kelly out to be a forceful and manipulative guy to a host of women. On the heels of that, Michael is back in the news because the kids that didn't come forward originally in the 90's have decided to come forward now on a new documentary that has radio stations pulling Jackson's music.
This leads to an interesting discussion of NDA (non disclosure agreement) and hush money...and whether the death of one party in the agreement should or should not change the scope of the agreement. Should all rules be forgiven once one party dies in the relationship? Can the person come out after the fact, but also after spending the money they took to be quiet originally?
Finally, after a challenge from Mark to Gary regarding Trivia...Jonathan decided to jump in and we have or first Grand Trivia Master contest. Producer Bobby put together 25 questions and tie breakers (if needed) to decide this first ever champ. All the questions are general in nature. Multiple categories and varied levels of difficulty...Can you keep up with the Q crew? Are you truly a Grand Trivia Master...follow along and find out on this episode of the Q.
Oh what a week for the world! Michael Cohen, the former Trump lawyer, hit the stand in front of Congress again to answer questions. The last time he did this, he was caught lying and ended up getting 3 years in jail. So with that hanging above his head, he hit the congressional testimony stand again and boy did he let it fly.
So this week on the Q, after a little break, Jason Kull and Gary Weed jump in to discuss everything with Cohen and what he claimed on the stand. According to Cohen, Trump does very little LEGAL things. Cohen claims he was a virtual enforcer for the President of the USA. He was tapped to send threats to businesses and colleges. He has paid off multiple people for sex and other nefarious activities...BUT...according to Cohen, Trump doesn't have ties to russian collusion as the Mueller report is investigating. Which is a feather in the cap of Donald Trump. But that doesn't change the fact that his former lawyer, under oath and serving prison time, decided to throw him completely under the bus. There is no way Trump pardons Cohen at this point. So you know it was all true.
Mark Asks the guys to put together their list of the Top 3 movies that are RE-WATCHABLE. Movies in the same vein as Back to the Future or Shawshank Redemption. Jason and Gary do not disappoint Mark and sit back to hear about some movies that are worth watching over and over again...for a reason.
Finally, Mark sits down with St. Louis commentator and author, John Parker. John talks with Mark a little about Cohen and Trump...but that takes a turn down the road of our great nation and the current cultural and national divide. Why are we divided as people? Also, on the back of his book "Cold Day in August", Parker discusses with Mark the Ferguson situation and it's impact in hindsight. What progress was made? And....Our country is a melting pot and there is a distinct group of people that tend to keep that fire stoked. The two men discuss John's upcoming book and how we should view the country in it's current political and socio-economic stance. Should those fires stay stoked or do we need a reset and a better understanding of each other.
All this and much more on the Q!
Producer Bobby and Gary Weed join on this episode of the Q. And it's huge because it is the first show since the Super Bowl when Mark and Gary have been face to face. Lot of Trash talking between the two on many previous episodes...but that all was settled with Tom Brady and the Patriots winning the Super bowl....
Which brings us to the first discussion. A new Football league debuted called the AAF. This is the second of what will eventually be 3 different major football leagues including the upcoming XFL. Mark and the guy all took a look at the new league and liked what they saw....but can a third league come into the fray and be able to maintain it's success. That's three full football franchises and we know the NFL is not going to lose out in the end. So Mark asks "Can the country sustain 3 leagues at once." Find out what everyone says.
Next up Mark discusses the professionalism of organizations in the US that he does business with on a consistent basis. How they should and shouldn't treat people. How companies mess up their brand in the eyes of others and get bad word of mouth.
Finally the guys discuss some of the stigma of growing up in North County St. Louis. This leads to Mark explaining about the past 20 years of North St. Louis County, specifically Florissant, and where it stands today. Mark grew up there and explains why people have left the area and how it's viewed by people outside of Florissant today.
All this and much more on the newest episode of the Q!
So the 2019 State of the Union address came and went. When it was all over, the only thing people remembered was the F-U Clap that Nancy Pelosi directed towards Donald Trump.
With that, Jonathan May and Jason Kull join Mark Bland on this episode of the Q to discuss the State of the Union Address. What everyone took from it, but more importantly, what they thought the current State of the Union looks like from their eyes.
This turns into discussion about people in the USA being their own worst enemies. Making choices and decisions to shoot themselves in the foot constantly. Mark then explains he will shoot himself in the foot and the reaction from Jonathan is not to be missed.
Then the show takes a weird turn. Jason claims that his hometown of Keokuk, Iowa has more to do in it than St. Louis has in it. Of course, Jon and Mark disagree heavily. So it begins...the great city showdown of 2019. This leads to Mark posing the question of how Missouri would react if tomorrow the USA became 50 individual countries. How would Missouri fair in that situation.
From there things take a turn for the musical as the guys start talking about music artists in the Superbowl and eventually the talk turns to diva's. Who are the great diva's, what makes them diva's....and is there a something that they have to do consistently keeps them in the DIVA spotlight? Also on the discussion because of the Superbowl is Colin Kaepernick. Jonathan and Mark spark up debate on why Colin still is not playing in the NFL.
Finally the talk becomes about people and some of their weird and awkward opinions on Life. So Mark grabs a few opinions and wants to gage the mental standing of Jason and Jonathan. Do you agree with their statements or are they tell us in the comments below.
All this and much more in this episode of The Q!
The government shutdown is over and Life is returning to normal...Right? Well maybe not so fast. After shutting down the government and PROUDLY ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY, Trump got NOTHING for all the heartache he put thousands and thousands of voters thru. 800,000 went without pay for weeks and weeks. Some started to get trouble from the landlords and others they owe money to. Also, when he opened it back up, it was only for three weeks.
Jonathan May and Producer Bobby join on the show to discuss this disaster created by Trump and blamed on everyone but Trump (even though he accepted responsibility). Also discussion of Howard Schultz running for president and Roger Stone got arrested in regards to Russian Collusion and connections to Trump. So it's been a hell of a 7 days for Donald Trump.
But the fun don't stop there...Mark decides that he feels the Star Wars Universe needs to go away. Not a popular idea for many, but Mark explains why the Star Wars universe has gone on too long...which leads to a discussion about the Marvel Universe and whether a similar fate should eventually befall it too!
Finally Bobby bought a book about Would you Rather questions and Jonathan squares off with Mark in a battle of Would you Rather. All this and much more to entertain your ears on this episode of the Q.
Ever been somewhere and people around you start doing something out of the norm to the point of it being uncomfortable? That's a lack of couth and decorum. Well this week the world decided to go down that path and Jason Patton and Gary Weed join Mark Bland to discuss all of it.
If you haven't been under a rock, you know the story about the kids in MAGA hats getting in the face of a Native American man at a pro-life rally in Washington DC. The story has caught massive attention because of a few things.
1. How the media reported the original incident
2. How the children from Covington High school treated the elder Native man
3. The use of the Trump hat as a sign of the times
4. The discussion of parents and where were the adult supervisors in the situation
Mark and the guys discuss these 4 things as they traverse the world of decorum and where we are as a society in 2019.
ALSO...the LA Rams made it to the Super Bowl against the Patriots and Gary is a huge Rams fan. This led to some online back and forth between Mark and Gary (being on opposite sides of the game) and a GRIEVANCE once again presented itself. Both Mark and Gary have their complaint and they bring it to the table to discuss live on the air. Who was in the right or wrong? Or were neither? You find out!
Finally, Covington High School, just couldn't get out of their own way. Once the media storm hit, they got caught with video from a basketball game. This is important because of the MAGA hat and their involvement with something people considered a little off color....well it becomes really off color when the same school from the mass hysteria also seems to have a somewhat racist belief its okay to do blackface, even accentuating the eyes and lips with white makeup like Al jolson did. This wasn't kids making a mistake...this was kids being okay'd by their parents to get away with something the parents knew better about. The guys break all this down and much more on this episode of the Q!
Jonathan May returns to the Q after a long absence. And a perfect time for the return since Gary Weed, our friend, decides to trot out the White Privilege discussion now that we have a multi-cultural panel to discuss the topic in depth.
Mark starts out by asking Jonathan to explain the definition of white privilege so that he can set a baseline to see how things fall in line with the definition. But alas, Jonathan doesn't have a definition he has the common argument of "It just is that way and because you are the one doing it, you don't realize what it looks like".
At this point Mark starts to discuss how there are equally as egregious things that happen to other cultures including white people. Mark then decides to hone down on privilege in general. Can a white person who sees a rich person (no matter their race or religion) hold that wealth against them and use it as an argument to complain about the privilege of others. This doesn't go over well with Jonathan....find out why and see the fall out.
Finally the guys do talk about our friend Don Trump and his need to keep the government shut down while stomping his feet like a child. Well the shutdown lead to an amazing White House Dinner for the Clemson Football team, served with "Hamberders" and fast food. Plus the guys touch on R. Kelly and the latest from Soulja Boy! All this and much more on the newest Q!
On this episode of the Q, Mark Bland decides to let the cat out of the bag on a new resolution he has for 2019. He invites Gary Weed to air a grievance with him from facebook...BUT He will invite anyone with legitimate grievances against him on any show to have the floor and discuss what their issue. Whether personal, private, or public...the doors of the Q are open for 2019 and all grievances.
This all comes on the back of another week and Trump whining again and making hardworking government employees go without a paycheck again. So he punishes the citizens because he doesn't get his way. What kind of Presidential quality is that. It seems very petty and deplorable....but we already knew that in 2016.
The TSA workers who protect us from allowing in bad people on the airlines and planes, are not getting paid because of the shut down. The TSA exists because of 9/11. So now all the people paid to protect us are leaving and that will make it worse in security for airports. If one plane is taking down on his watch, Trump has to resign. At that point, his whining becomes treasonous and allows people to get hurt. Mark and Gary Weed discuss this.
Finally Mark reads a letter from a listener describing the elderly as bad people who are always coming down on young people. Mark and Gary discuss if this is an actual problem or if this individual just has a gripe because something happened to him directly. Find out what is said and more on this new episode of the Q!
It's a tale of two Jason's on this episode of the Q. First up Jason Kull jumps back in, as well as Jason Patton returns to discuss the 2019 Government Shutdown that is continuing from last year.
First up the guys discuss the government shutdown and whether it necessary or not. Of course this is stemming from the President's need to fund a border wall on the southern US border and it requires 5 billion dollars according to Trump. Mark shoots back with the fact that its never the Northern Border, which also is Wall-less, that needs to be secured. And the reason for that being that Trump is tunnel visioned people from Mexico and attacking them as much as possible. All which he himself has done online through social media for years.
Then Jason Patton brings up whiskey and beer as a option to drink. But the convo turns towards bad beer and especially one that Jason tried that is supposed to taste of PINE CONE. A Pine cone flavored beer sounds disgusting and Jason explains whether it is or not.
And finally, the story of the young man that was a wrestler and had to cut his dreads because the ref asked him to during an match in front of the entire crowd. Was the ref in the right or wrong? Mark and Jason Patton are both Pro-wrestlers with experience in competitive wrestling. And Mark knows the Missouri State Wrestling Guidelines say nothing about any rule about hair on the body of anyone. So the world has been chiming in and so do the two Jay's and Marky B. But where do the guys this okay or a travesty!
All this and much more on the new Q! Happy New Years! #winning #governmentshutdown #theq