Gary Weed and Comedian Jonathan May join the show to discuss the historical shift in the Supreme Court of the US after Donald Trump nominates Bret Kavanaugh as the newest "member of the team".
Mark has been fielding tons and tons of incorrect fake conservative outrage because of the SCOTUS nomination. But Mark is here to quell the fears and let everyone know....Kavanaugh is somewhat centrist like Garland and willing to vote liberal if necessary on some topics. This will do nothing to dissuade people from jumping down his throat, but Mark is attempting.
Also, Mark has been thinking of bringing a phrase back and wanted to get the opinions of his guests regarding that phrase. Find out what phrase and if he get's the go ahead or this is a no go. Plus 12 kids got trapped in a Thai mine a few weeks back and they got released. The guys discuss this heroic moment.
Finally, Mark takes some questions from the listeners about life and one specifically that brings the show to a grinding hault...When was the last time you called 911, and what was it for. Find out Jonathan's amazing answer to the question on this episode of the Q.
Glenn Kage joins Mark Bland and Gary Weed to discuss UNIONS and their stance in the wake of the Janus decision by the Supreme Court of the US.
Glenn is a veteran of the Unions in the state of Missouri and currently the President of the Local UAW hall in Wentzville, MO. He also presides over 4000 people as well as thousands of other retired Union employees. Glenn discusses his career in the Union and with the auto industry, as well as his thoughts on the state of the union today.
This leads to a discussion about hobbies and things in peoples lives, when Mark, whose been searching for a rant he had, hears that Glenn is into crossfit which sends Mark off on a diatribe about crossfitters and their lifestyle and all of it (nothing personal to Glenn of course).
Eventually the original rant Mark had about Liberals helping each other out comes to the surface. Mark reached out to form some alliances and the response he heard was a telling sign of where the mindset of hardcore liberals and democrats are at. Take a listen and find out the results...
Finally Glenn hits the famous Q show Hot Seat to answer some questions and open up about himself a little more.
Enjoy all this and so much more on the new Q!
"What About-ism's"....seems to be the only thing a certain section of political supporters can do to keep their shallow ideals and beliefs relevant. Cause everything for them is steeped in the past and what happened in ancient times that are not relevant to the present.
Jason Kull and Jonathan May join the show this week to discuss these things that just refuse to go away from the past. But that is on the heels of a historic week of keeping kids separated from the families while stuck in a foreign country they are not from and have no residency in. But then on the back side, and just two days after claiming "I don't have any power to help"...Donald Trump signs a executive order to fix the separation issue at the border. One that he kinda created as a platform and enforced.
This leads to a discussion about how Trump tends to create issues and fix them so he can have a check in the win column. He also tends to prop up things that are useless as a win too, like signing a friendship agreement with North Korea who was never the issue.
Also the guys discuss drugged up river eels and how their coke habits are getting way outta control.
Anthony Rogers and Gary Weed join the show to discuss how Trump met with Kim Jong Un in Singapore to sign a "friendship agreement" (not a peace treaty). At this point, the North Koreans are more worried about peace with the USA than stopping the War between them and South Korea. So did it go well? We discuss all the intricacies and everything regarding this historic summit.
Gary Weed hit Mark up earlier in the week with meme from the internet that intrigued him. It said "You have $100 and you have to put a block party together with these listed bands and their prices, who do you pick?" So Mark decided to discuss their picks live on the show, who would you pick...listen and figure it out.
But the most surprising moment was when Anthony Rogers, the actor extraordinaire, explained that he has access and the number for the famous Bill Murray 1-800 number. It's well known that Murray takes voicemails off the line and makes his business decisions off of that. So the guys use Anthony's phone and call Bill directly to pitch coming on the Q and being interviewed.
Jonathan May and Gary Weed join the show to discuss the big topics of the week. So you ask, why is the show named Channing Tatum...what happened with him this week. Well nothing happened with him this week at all unless your Jonathan May and your head is stuck in the gutter. Gary once again starts the show off with an interesting question that makes Mark question everything in his world.
Eric Greitens decided that being a bad person and being watched and attacked for it was enough. He stepped down as Governor of the state of Missouri after being accused of raping and sexually assaulting a female. The guys touch on it but, in typical moderate fashion, there is really nothing more to say. It's in the past now and will stay there. Instead the guys focus on discussing Roseanne losing her show on ABC and how she could have avoided it.
Finally Jonathan May is not liking this Drake vs. Pusha T beef and Mark is clueless along with Gary. Jon updates them and gives the newest piece of the beef. A child exists and has been Mark and Gary agree with Drake or Pusha T. Find out on this episode of The Q.
There has been a lot of talk lately about who is better: Jordan or Lebron. Who is the GOAT! But we like going bigger on the Q. Who is the GOAT of all time! The best athlete of them all. And on this episode of the show, Mark decides he is going to throw out his pick for greatest athlete of all time. Will guest Gary Weed accept Mark's athlete or will he stand firm that Mark might be crazy in this thinking.
Also, Trump is still pissing off Kim Jong Un (who has earned it) during these peace talks with South Korea. The latest is that NK might pull out of the upcoming US/NK summit that was supposed to happen. Why is all this going on? We will discuss and break it
Mark explains his thoughts on second hand and third hand smoke after a new article came out and Mark caught some flack for his stance.
Every single show has something we can discuss about Trump. And it's never good stuff either. Well this might be the show where the beginning of the undoing of Trump started.
Michael Cohen the former Trump "fixer" has been in the heat lately and it's only showcasing why Trump wants distance. Companies are coming forward and explaining that Mike offered access and favors from a Trump presidency in exchange for money. A lot of money. If this is true, Trump is in the hot seat. There is no other presidency Michael Cohen could have done this on behalf of other than Trump. Plus the companies have stated it was for favors with Trump. Jason Kull and Jonathan May discuss this all with Mark.
And finally...Mark has been listening to shows and researching about the Intellectual Dark Web that he has been accused of being a part of. Mark realized something important and by the end of the show, that becomes blaringly clear to everyone!
Comedian Jonathan May is back to protect all that is holy to him and the people of america with his words of wisdom. But that still doesn't hold down the lead story of this show....PRODUCER BOBBY IS BACK! Having taken some time to work on somethings in life, Bobby is back to throw his opinion around and it doesn't take long for him and Mark to be back to not agreeing on things.
First up, North Korea as decided to play nice all of a sudden and the world is taking notice. Also seems like South Korea will say and do anything Trump asks them. While discussing this story, Mark tries to paint a visual of the location of North Korea and South Korea. Bobby disagrees with the visualization and all hell breaks loose on the show.
Also, everyone has been watching Kanye for a few weeks, as he has decided to drop bombs everywhere he's gone. Recently he jumped on TMZ and told everyone "400 years of slavery was a choice". Was it? That seems crazy and so do the majority of his recent blatherings. The guys discuss!
Gary Weed joins back up with Mark to talk about the Donald Trump and Michael Cohen debacle. But the story everyone was focusing on is Kanye West and his new found need to promote and talk about conservatism and his love for Trump. But this fly's in the face of his past where he claimed George Bush and his conservative policies "hates black people". Now Trump and his conservative policies "Loves Black People"???? The guys discuss this....
Plus Mark had a recent thing happen on social media and has decided to educate the people on difference between "Social Media" and "The Media". People on social media are getting quite confused in 2018 on which is to be listened too and the purpose of the other. Mark and Gary discuss in glorious detail.
Finally, Mark has a list of the greatest Hair Metal Bands of all time. How many can Gary nail down? Is your favorite on the list? Is it high enough or should others be higher? Find all this out as Mark and Gary break down the best Hair Metal Bands of all time!
Jonathan May joins once again to discuss the Michael Cohen trials and tribulations of being Trumps lawyer. Also can Jeff Sessions be sequestered and finally have to speak on behalf of all these things with the raid of Cohen's office?
But we are burying the lead....Jonathan May makes a grand statement near the end of the show. He states that there hasn't been one good invention in the past 50 years that has helped humanity in a positive way. I break out a list of the top 15 innovations/inventions of the past 50 years and we proceed to have Jonathan chime in on those things. Do any of them live up to the grandeur that Jonathan May is looking for? Did one fall short? Or was it just as he thought and the world is in a worse place for them existing.
Find out this and much more on the new Q!
Mark Bland is joined again by Darian Wigfall and Jason Kull to discuss black and white relations and some of the stereotypes associated with the different cultures in the World.
First up, Mark discusses an issue that was posted on Facebook, on Darian's page, regarding White people feeling oppressed in 2018. Mark say's that may be true for a very small group, but that is not the case for most white people. This set off a firestorm of discussion and the two clear the air on all that.
Mark, Jay and Darian then discuss if Black people and minorities have life as bad in 2018 as is posted and promoted on a weekly basis since the Ferguson situation arose in 2014. All this and much much more awaits you on this amazing episode of the show!
Ahhh....Wrestlemania season is upon us and Mark likes to bring in some Wrestling talk every blue moon to the show. This episode brings in Gary Weed to sit down and discuss the 32 man tournament that is the Best WWE Wrestler of All Time.
Now there are gonna be some upsets as we all know will happen in these March Madness styled tournaments, but Mark and Gary feel they have a definitive breakdown on who makes the list (at this point in history) and who moves on to the finals. So was it Austin? Was it Hogan? Maybe Rock or Bret Hart....?
Find out on this exciting episode and see if you agree or it makes you tear your hair out just thinking about it.
Jonathan May and Gary Weed are back and together for the first time. We definitely discuss a little politics to keep you informed and happy, but honestly it's just more discussion on Trump and more bad decisions for the sake of beating his chest. So nothing new on that front...(he's getting kinda boring)
But Mark decides to bring up movies and the guys dive in head first discussing the greatest comedy of all time. Old School, Step Brothers, Talladega Nights? What makes your list and will the guys agree that your movie is the best comedy of the past 20 years...listen and find out.
Plus, whats your guilty pleasure movie or TV show? The guys breakdown some of the best guilty pleasure shows and movies for you to check out and potentially fall in love with yourself. All this and much much more on this great episode of the Q web sponsored by John Beal Roofing.
Well the world is an interesting place and Jason Kull likes to make light of the people in that world. On this episode, Brandon Travis joins to discuss the weird tactics of parliaments around the world and how one recently got a little over the top.
Also, Mark discusses the type of government he thinks would work good for the hard headed people of the USA. This leads to our latest discussions about Andrew McCabe being let go from the FBI days before retirement, but AGAIN another person on Capitol Hill getting removed from office around this Trump/Russia Investigation.
Finally the guys do a little music offering this week. Mark gets some letters from the listeners and throws out a question about 1 hit wonders, which leads down a rabbit hole about the top 100 1-hit wonders according to VH1. So Mark and the guys break down the top 10 of that list and judge whether its justified or a crappy list.
Jonathan May makes his return to the Q to discuss more about Black and White relations in the USA. The show gets off to fast start when Mark and Jonathan discuss blackface and how it still has this racist connotation to it. This of course leads to a deeper discussion about racial relations in the USA and what is considered racist by some is not considered racist by others. Whose right? Well we don't know cause Brandon Travis jumps on the show and immediately throws the conversation for a loop with very viable arguments regarding race in America.
Also the guys discuss Denzel Washington and his ability to get oscar nods, but then it's brought up that maybe other roles were more deserving of Denzel to get oscars for. Was Training Day his best, or was it Glory. All this plus a very tiny discussion on Trump and firing Tillerson in this exciting episode of the Q.
A few years ago, The Artist won Best Picture at the Academy awards. To Mark it was for no good reason. The 2018 Oscars just happened and the show was the lowest rated in history. Was it too much focus on women? Was it Jimmy Kimmel? Was it the need for the Hollywood elite to hold on to tradition too much?
All of these things are discussed between Jason Kull, Gary Weed and Mark Bland on this episode of the Q. Plus, are we on the edge of another financial crisis....someone whose very rich and well known thinks so. The guys discuss this and a bevy of other topics including Mark's covering of the MVC Tournament (aka Arch Madness) and some things he took away from it.
Bob Wahl runs Wahl Real Estate and joins on this weeks episode of the Q along with Jason Kull.
After being a guest on Bob's show, Mark had such a good time that he invited Bob Wahl to come on the Q and discuss politics and pop culture and real estate. Mark brings up some issues he had in the past with a real estate transaction and brings those problems to Bob's feet. Why should the seller pay the closing cost for a buyer on a house...find out what Bob says about this and a few other topics regarding real estate.
Hope Hicks is the 18th person to resign from Trump's presidency. Imagine if 18 employees from the past year all resigned under you as a person that was elected to run the country. He picked you specifically cause he wanted you to fix or help the situations in the country and EVEN YOU can't handle being a member of his administration anymore. That's pretty sucky and we discuss.
Finally Bob sits in the Hot seat and we discuss a myriad of issues and questions that will get you thinking and wishing there was more Q show.
Tony Cabral makes his triumphant return to the Q after a bit of a hiatus. Living in Chicago doesn't afford him the opportunity to be on the greatest show ever...but we make do.
First up, Mark is dealing with a ton of censoring from the social media lately because of his show regarding black and white culture and the movie Black Panther. He has weened it down to specific people trying to censor him directly cause they are quite angry about the message getting out which doesn't play to these peoples narratives. Mark and Tony discuss what happened and why it seems over the top.
​Mark and Tony also discuss the ability to "swat" people who you are mad at from far away and how this is becoming a very dangerous trend in the USA. This leads into a discussion about allegiance to the USA and allegiance to Trump. Where is the allegiance to our country and not your political party?
All this and more available on this episode of the Q.
The new Black Panther movie seems to be getting a lot of attention from the Black Community. This has brought up certain feelings within the white community and they have not been quiet about this. So Mark Bland, being the devils advocate he is, decides to bring in comedian Jonathan May to discuss Black culture, racism and this heightened care for a movie that hasn't even been released yet.
Oh but the train don't stop there....This discussion goes into racism and the true backbone that black people think White people don't respect or care about them in 2018.
Joined by Jason kull, this is an exciting episode of the Q that really delves deep into the manners and ideals of our cultures and how they should truly be viewed in our current times. Ain't no hiding in this episode...all the words and feelings are put on the table.
Jason Kull and Andy Echele jump in to discuss many a topic on this show. The guys start out discussing the State of the Union address by President Trump and the argument that Democrats didn't clap. Well Mark points out this is quite normal and there are tons of examples from the past where other Presidents got shut down with the clap.
Then the story moves to Tom Brady and the Patriots going to their next Superbowl. Mark is a fan and Andy not so much. But his success begs the question, is he the greatest sports athlete of all time? Possibly...listen to the discussion and you make your decision.
Finally Mark had a run in with a Flat Earth believer recently and discusses the points brought to his attention and whether anyone else in the country believes the Flat Earth things. This leads to discussion about conspiracy and the theories people hold. Plus a reminder from Mark about conspiracy theorist.
Jonathan May is no slouch on the mic and he drops by again to hang out and talk with Mark and Jason Kull.
First things up, Mark is accused of Poking the Bear on social media by Jonathan. The three break down what is considered crossing the line versus not. Mark feels that it's undeserved dislike he receives. Does Jonathan agree? Find out...
Also, Mark talks about his son and his new found love of horror movies. But this leaves Mark with a conundrum. His son is 5 and there isn't many options for him to show the child without ruining him mentally for life. So what can he show him? Also, there seems to be a weird lycanthropic issue that Jonathan seems to have and comes out on the show.
Finally the guys discuss some Trump and Stormy Daniels. And Mo'nique is asking people to stop using netflix in protest to help here...all of this and much more on the Q!
I have to say, this might be the best discussion on the Q in many years. Brandon Travis returns from a less than stellar abesnce and he jumps right into the fray.
First up, Trump paid out thousands to a porn star to keep quiet about a supposed act of miscoduct that needed to be kept under the rug. Unfortunately for "Swing and a Miss Don", he missed again and she didn't keep her silence. But is Donald in the complete wrong on this? Listen and find out what was said!
Also, all this sexual misconduct talk is hard to ignore when your states horrible Governor is running around and blackmailing people to keep them quiet. Then he has gone AWOL technically and no one knows where to find him. Is it real, or not. The guys discuss before getting into the nitty gritty...
Brandon finally opens up about his past 7-10 months and the things that have been going on in his life. Gun fights, knife fights, drugs and the world of rehab all await on some of the most compelling audio the Q has ever released!
Well it's been a unique week in the world of Trump and politics. This week the people within the Trump presidency are all fluttered up with whirlwind news coming from former Chief of Strategy and Staff Steve Bannon. Bannon was interviewed for a book called "Fire and Fury" that is about the Trump Presidency and the first months of it in early 2017. Michael Wolff the author interviewed many people around the White House and they went on record with him discussing things that they thought and seen. Steve Bannon in particular explained that the fake news Russian Meetings that were supposedly all BS, actually they were very real. OUCH. But then he went a step further and explained that the discussions were all treasonous. Out of control.
Mark and Jason Kull discuss this entire situation, all the players and how we should view this information as logical independent voters and thinkers in 2018.
Also, Jason Kull is mad at Charter. He feels the company is immediately implementing net neutrality repeals and slowing peoples speeds down even though they pay for 100mbps service. Mark is not so quick to say that, but take a listen and see where you stand.
FIRST SHOW OF 2018...and we are starting the year off with a Bang! Jason Kull joins Mark to discuss the most up to date and current stance with the Trump Presidency. But that is not the big news of the day by any means.
Mark decides that 2018 needs to start with a rant that is geared towards the majority of cell phone loving Americans. Apple recently announced that they are slowing down cell phones. Mark is an avid Apple phone guy and this is not sitting well with the majority of people that pay large prices for their equipment monthly. Mark takes aim...see what he has to say.
Then the Tax Cut that Trump is so happy about is the focus of the next discussion. Obviously it helps the wealthy and the upper echelon of society...but will it help the middle class and lower class? Probably not right off the bat and definitely the way it was structured will blow up in the next Presidents face. But Trump doesn't care about the next President cause he is not a true American patriot the way he discusses and pretends.
Finally Mark had it out on Twitter with some sports people from the southern US that love their college football. But why is someone asking for an autograph considered a pariah to the other people in the news writing community that covers Clemson football. Well tune in and find out if you agree with Mark or the others!
Ahh yes, the spirit is in the air for the Christmas season of 2017. It has been a long year and this final show of 2017 brings light to that fact. Mark Bland is joined by Jason Kull and Andy Echele to discuss the big things that we as a country had to deal with in Trump's MERICA this year.
First up the guys discuss Doug Jones beating out Republican Roy Moore which was easily the biggest political race of the entire year. Trump had put his name behind a few different people and they all lost. What does this mean for the 2018 elections and how will this affect the way the republican party is viewed?
Finally the guys discuss about Christmas traditions within their house and discuss a few movies from the Christmas season. This leads into the discuss regarding the biggest issue of the year that was overturned by the FCC. The guys jump in and discuss all the good and potentially bad things about net neutrality. Did the guys agree with the FCC or are they against and listen!