Well the conservatives are on the abortion train again and the Q is paying attention. It seems that a few states decided to go through (outta the blue) with more stringent abortion bans in their state legislatures. More men telling women how and what they should do with their PRIVATE PARTS. Well this shouldn't sit well with many and Brandon Travis makes his long awaited return to the show to discuss this and many other things.
Brandon has been away for a while, serving time for his transgressions in life. Mark and Brandon start off talking about Trump and his need to start Wars with Iran for no reason. But that point Brandon asks the most important question...why is Trump doing this? Mark has an answer for him, see if you agree.
Brandon and Mark then get into talking about Brandon's time away and how he handled the pressure. He was sent to the hole for a few weeks and Mark wants to know how that affects the mind of a man stuck in that situation. This leads to Brandon discussing the reasons for why he got into the trouble and along with it comes the stories of fighting to survive in a hell hole. Brandon talks about the fights he was in and why he followed through.
Finally Mark and Brandon discuss some letters from the listeners. One person specifically brings up the idea of COSPLAY and how we view it as dressing up like Halloween. But we should be allowed to be any race and dress as another to pay homage. So should costumes that are inherently non judgmental or non-racist (nefarious purpose)be allowed? The men discuss.
Enjoy this episode of the Q...Hopefully it opens your mind and makes you think.