St. Louis Broadcasted Zach Schmidt joins Mark and Jonathan May to discuss his thoughts on politics, current affairs and life!
The whole world is on High ALERT! Fox News can't keep their WARNING logo off the screen at this moment because the CoronaVirus is on it's way to bring plague and famine and locusts. Revelation's is happening if you talk to conservatives and many people in the USA. Then again, the sky is always falling for some people. But Mark and the guys discuss the virus and the potential impact it could have on the world markets and the USA.
Next up is a local STL discussion that comes on the heals of another MASS SHOOTING in the USA. This one happened at a beer plant in Milwaukee. The St. Louis Local one happened at a Community Center in Maryland Heights Missouri...a subsidiary of the St. Louis area. Mark focuses on something that no one ever talks about regarding these mass shootings. See if you catch it too?
Finally Mark and Jonathan get into their typical discussion on racial relations and how the world should view things. This time around, Lynching finally gets outlawed 120 years too late. Mark, Zach and Jonathan try to wrap their heads around why this took so long to outlaw. And last, Zach has to do the Hotseat and everyone finds out that Werewolves ARE REAL!