This week on the show Jonathan May brings his comedic style to the airwaves to discuss more life with Mark Bland.
First up the gentlemen discuss their backgrounds in Social Media and Mark reconnecting with a gentleman named Mike Wilkerson and some of their discussions regarding politics and some of the past stuff from their lives. This leads to a discussion about how Trump is now pouting because he doesn't have a outlet to bent his dislike and is talking about starting his own social media network.
Next up the gents discuss Marjorie Taylor Greene and he recent situation regarding the Capitol Riots and her stances outside of the political spectrum. Mrs. Greene has been seen going around for years antagonizing and attacking people on public streets smearing their names and defaming them. Why? Because she feel she was lead down the wrong path by the people in charge of her party. Nope she's just a racist rural Gerogia lady and Atlanta is too black for her to be happy. So why not be a racist and an ass.
Finally...Mark and Jonathan dig into the past and Jonathan gets thrown on the hot seat for the first time in a long time. He answers the questions but this leads to a discussion about Mark and some Bitcoin he received in 2009. He then sold them off for a little bit of money. Jonathan loses it and boom...the show has another golden moment!