Josh Gilbert, a producer and radio guy from 550 KTRS, joins Mark on this weeks show. Mark discusses the amazing time he had at the Missouri Botannical Gardens glow chirstmas walk and how many others need check it out and make it their yearly go to from here on out. Plus Mark talks about the Richard Grenell show and how well it turned out.
Josh and Mark start talking about their early days in radio and what made them get into the business that they are in. Mark talks about Johnny Carson being a huge inspiration to him and a little about Carsons early days. Also discussing NPR and Diane Rehm.
From there, Mark discusses the main reason for the show. Mark goes into a gas station and a kid wants some smokes for his father out in the truck. The lady behind the counter denies the request due to current laws, but this gets Mark thinking about his own childhood and how he bought smokes for his Dad multiple times...never smoking them and it never being a problem. Josh brings his own story of how he was denied cigs as an adult.
Finally Mark and Josh discuss the antagonizing ways of conservative that think they are getting one over on people. As if adults can't for the most part read between the lines and figure out the crux of whatever is the focus at the time. All this and much more on this episode of the Q!