An amazing show in store for everyone this week! First up is John Lee Dumas. Mark and JLD have been trying to get together on the air for a little bit and were finally able to pull it off. John is a respected and influential social media and podcast host who talks with entrepeneurs weekly on his show. After 6 years, JLD has amassed over 1700+ interviews and worked with some of the top people across this country to bring his message of positivity and financial success to everyone. John joins to discuss his college days in Kansas, how he started the show and his new project he's been working on.
Then we switch gears to Raymond Chandler. Raymond is a lawyer in the St. Louis area who joins to discuss poltiics and law. Raymond ran for a state representative seat a few years back and has an interestingly moderate view of this years jockeying for the national presidential seat. As well as Raymond sits in to discuss that wildlife refuge situation going sideways and at least one getting killed over it. Finally Chandler sits on the Kenny Kinds Hot Seat to field a bunch of questions he had no idea were coming.
All this and much more on this episode of the Q! Taking talk radio and turning it up to 11!