It's always a pleasure when a new guest walks into the hallowedstudios for the Q show. And this episode is special causeJordan/Sam Lacey joins the show to partake in manydiscussions!
First up we talk with Sam about his background in wrestling andwhat he does currently for a living. Sam discusses being a part ofthe Carpenters union and how the company he works for came to be. Mark asks about politics and Sam's position in regards towhere he stands in the world of it.
Mark then goes on a rant about doctors. It starts with histrip to the ENT and being levied an extra bill over the top of whathe had already paid. Marks argument is whats the point of aco-pay if there is always going to be more money needed to be paid? Also, the way this was charged out was ridiculous incomparison to what services he actually had. Mark believes wehave a country of shysters and frauds that are going out of theirway to use medical billing as a back drop to gouge all of us. Markand Sam discuss this in a deep manner.
Then Mark does an extended "Hotseat" with Sam. They talkabout Star Wars and wierd feelings and ofcourse the haunted scarytunnel from our childhoods that we all dealt with at one point oranother.
All this and some OVERTIME too. It's the Q, Real Radio, RealHonest!