Rick Pearlstein joins the Q to discuss his books called Nixonland and The Invisible Brdge. Mark, Jason, Bobby and Schep talk to him about the Donald Trump presidency and who he thinks he most resembles out of past presidents. He discusses the upcoming of the republican party through the 60's into the 70's and 80's , and drops some pearls of wisdom that he uncovered while researching the book.
This is the Christmas show and Mark and Bobby bring back a present for the The Q show listeners, they do a Game on/Game off. Also Mark is having a problem with Samsung regarding his 9 month old washing machine and the team decides whether Mark is just being sensitive or if he has legitimate concern against the company. And finally, Santa has a naughty and nice list and there are some common naughty things that people in the US prescribe to. Do any of the cast fall into these locations...find out on the Last Q of 2016!