Nope, this is not a Vanilla Ice album from 1991...It's the newest episode of the Q. This week we welcome Brandon Travis a extreme sports junkie that is heavily into Base Jumping and Skydiving. Brandon discusses his early days of getting into the extreme sports and what those first few times were like. Also, he took a not so travelled route to base jumping and spills the beans on that.
The guys get into to talking about Trump and how he was unable to get the repeak of Obamacare done even though he had majorities in both the House and Senate. Plus Mark breaks out a list of all the google shopping searches in the United States on a yearly basis and we find out that one state out there is huge into buying and looking for Borat Mankini's. Really??? Find out what state by listening to the show!
Plus Brandon hits the Hotseat to answer random questions about his life. All this and much more on this episodic piece of political impact!