We are hot and heavy into the election cycle for 2024. Primaries have happened, people complaining on social media too...all the necessities to let you know everyone is chomping at the bit to be recognized and voted into positions! Well this is no different in Missouri either!
First up Joanthan May returns to discuss peeing on people for no reason and then tells an amazing story of a dream he had! This leads to a discussion about Donald trump and his inabilities to pay his legal debts to the people he has wronged. This means Trump is not even HALF a Billionaire. He doesn't possess the liquid money to pay off the debts he has accrued and his own team is the one telling the judges.
Next the gents welcome Carolie Owens and Steven Blair who are running for Francis Howell School Board. Carolie is a veteran educator of over 30+ years who has worked for multiple school districts and has put in tenure to know the lay of the land. Steven is a pastor that is also an educator and they are trying to pull this conservative agenda out of the hands of the current board memebers, and right the ship. Carolie and Steven get detailed in their plight and why you need to vote for people with a grounded approach.
Finally, a surprise Tournament of Pop Culture. There are a ton of TV theme songs and we could easily (and might) do another 16 songs to battle it out. But this time around we have a random pull of TV theme songs and we are going to see which one reigns supreme by the end of the show!