What a busy week in news! Paul Huddleston the St. Louis radio veteran joins us again for a discussion on the big story of the week. Evidently a dentist named Walter is an avid hunting fan of big game. So he paid some hunting guides to take him to Zimbabwe and help him hunt a lion. Well, thats where things go sideways because the lion that eventually gets killed is named Cecil and he's super protected and well known. So of course this opens up the ethical premise of hunting internationally so Mark, Producer Bobby and Paul Dsicuss.
Next up, the wierd controvesy of the week happens to be a fabricated and spliced video of Planned Parenthood attempting to sell fetuses on the black market. Well that wasn't the total truth and once the full video comes out, it becomes fodder for Mark to go on to one of his rants about the consevrative movement and their need to spin things. This becomes a point for Mark to discuss with Paul and Bobby about their feelings on the stories and everything they touch.
Finally the guys are presented with some really interesting letters from the listeners that lead to everyone divulging some of their thoughts on polygamy and mutiple partners. A hell of a way to end the show!