Producer Bobby is back and chocked full of NFL talk since the SuperBowl just happened. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
First up is Phillip Andrew Morton, the director of Spanish Lake, a documentary on Netflix about White flight and re-zoning in a blighted area of St. Louis County that used to be a typical area for people to raise their families in. But after the Pruett-Igoe housing projects was closed, those people that were displaced found themsleves in Spanish Lake, MO and the dichotomy of area changed. Some say for the worse. Crime increased and Real Estate agents came in to make money off fear. All of this as well as how Ferguson changed the view/or didn't, is discussed between Mark and Mr. Morton.
Then its back to the old grind with Bobby coming in to discuss some antics and decisions by Super Bowl players prior to the big game. Also, Mark breaks down a list of the Best Oscar winners and who should have won those years instead! It's a solid epsiode of the Q and there is much much more beyond what you see here. Enjoy