On this episode of the Q, Mark and Producer Bobby sit down with Paul Huddleston and discuss the Indiana Religious Freedom bill that has the entire country in a tizzy.....and rightfully so. Mark takes on bigots and people that hide behind religion as their saving grace. The guys discuss the pizzeria owners that are using the new bill to defend their position to NOT SERVE gay couples. Plus there is discussion about all the potential ability for the law to become a slippery slope and tumble into other risky legal endevours.
Then Paul, who is an educator at a major college in the St. Lous area, dsicusses what coming back to school to teach the week after the situation in Ferguson, MO. Since he is college educator, he was dealing with mostly young men and women in the 18-25 age range and mostly urban based students at that.
Finally Producer Bobby puts his finest mark on the show when he gets into an argument with Mark about the word he is using in a sentence and how it is not the right word. This sets off a googling debate to figure out the definition of the word Bobby is trying to use and how it applies to the conversation at hand...needless to say it doesn't go that well.
All this and much more on the newest episode of the Q!